


Plant lifecycle cost advantage

A Lifecycle Cost of Plant Study was undertaken for BPM-RO and comparison with other commercially available membranes was made.

The Levelised Cost of Water (LCOW) was derived, and it shows the BPM-RO plant achieving significantly lower LCOW compared to other RO membrane plant.

This was largely attributed to a significant reduction in electrical usage and cost.

Note: The data used to develop the LCOW model was obtained from PUB pilot plants using BPM-RO and other commercial membranes during side-by-side operations.

BPM-RO’s impact on energy and carbon emission

Wastewater Reclamation Application


Power consumption – 0.2 kwh/m³
Energy savings – 50%-75%

Carbon Emission

Less emissions – 50 kg CO2/m³/year
Saves 32 trees/m³/year


Note: * Tested at 4 bars using de-ionised water.
**Tested at 4 bars using 500 ppm NaCl solution.

BPM-RO study:
comparison of operating pressures

BPM-RO membranes vs best of competitor RO membranes - head-on comparison of
operating pressures at Singapore’s Newater facilities

· Flow rate fixed at 20 lmh

· BPM-ROoperating pressure – 4 bar

· State-of-the-art RO operating pressure – 6.5-9 bar

· Common RO Operates at ~ 13-16 bars.

· Same rejection by all membranes

BPM-RO membranes require far less pressure and energy to operate.

BPM-RO study: fouling

180 days without Chemical Cleaning

Competitor RO sees rise
in TMP – significant

BPM-RO has stable TMP
– very low fouling.

Fig. Plot of the transmembrane pressure and rejection against running time using UPWRP MBR permeate with two BPM-RO modules in series and two commercial modules under similar operating conditions.